Thursday, March 21, 2013

It's the little things....

Today while I was feeding Allison her snack, Henry came up to us and wanted what she was having. So I got a cup for him and put a few snacks in it. This is nothing new, he typically comes up to anyone eating and wants some. Lately though, I've been giving him snacks in cups instead of just giving him a few in his hands. When I give him a cup he will sit down with his cup...sometimes he eats them very well, sometimes he spills them and eats off the floor, and sometimes Ollie beats him too it and he doesn't get any snack...he loves it when Ollie eats his food. He laughs and hands him treats. :) Today I realized he was eating his snacks out of his cup while walking around the kitchen. Just simply walking around, stopping to have a snack, and then moving on. He was multi-tasking...walking, holding a cup, eating a snack, squatting, looking out the window.... I'm not sure why, but all of the sudden I was so proud of my little baby boy. And so proud to be his Momma. How did he get so grown up that he can do these things...simultaneously....It's the little every day moments that make me so thankful I am able to stay home with Henry!


allie. said...

the first picture of henry is perfect!

Raj said...

That is awesome! I'm so glad that you are home with him and such a good Mom! Soon he will be driving....sigh...;-)