Sunday, March 31, 2013

Family Friday

Friday was spent with our family. It was busy, but so much fun. Maddox came over for a few hours to play with Henry while his mommy got a pedicure. We then headed to the vet to get a lump checked on Ollie. Luckily it's just a fatty tumor and nothing serious.

After Maddox left, we went on a walk. We had to get the wheels on the stroller pumped up, so we first went to ARCO. After that we walked over to Harney Elementary to play on the play ground. On our way we passed the restaurant called the Igloo. We've never been by it when it was open, so we stopped in and grabbed lunch to have a picnic at the park. It was good food. My mom said she used to go there when she was a kid. Crazy! After our picnic and playing at the park and soaking up the sun, we walked around for another hour or so. It was so nice out. Henry fell asleep on our way home. We were all pretty tired. We had been gone for almost 3 hours!

Upon getting home we checked the mail and to our surprise we received an Easter package from Susan Harris. We got some beautiful ceramic elephants. I'm going to use them as candle holders. Thank you Susan for thinking of us.

We had planned a date night for the evening, so we quickly got ready and Raj's Mom and Aunt came over to watch Henry. We went and saw a movie, Life of Pi in 3d. It was very good!

1 comment:

allie. said...

where is the igloo? i've never even heard of it. those elephants that you got are pretty cute! kind of exotic looking, too.

maddox and henry look likey they are best buds!