Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Project # 5 Walkway Part 1

I bought an "All Occasion" lighted arch at Goodwill on Saturday for $12. Raj made fun of me, he couldn't understand why I would want a "wedding" arch in my yard! I thought it would be really cool to put it at the end of our walkway. And the best part about it, is it has 8 different speed/setting you can put the lights on. From dimming on and off, to blinking, to chasing. It's pretty cool. After I set it up, I started cleaning the walkway up. It was full of left over leaves from the fall, yes I know it's summer, and weeds. While I was doing this, I got a little over zealous, and started taking out our horrible ground cover on the hillside. I got about half way done, then decided hey, why not change the shape of the walkway, and so I took out the stones, and rounded the walkway. I got quite a lot done, but there's still more to do!

Here is what I got done:

Oh, and that pretty wood pile behind the arch is where my new fireplace is going. (Thanks Mom and Dad!) I just have to get Raj to split it so we can move all that wood. The wood is from our neighbor's walnut tree they finally took down. I can't tell you how excited we were to have it removed. No more banging of walnuts on our roof above our bedroom! And hopefully the squirrels will move out!

I want to put paver's in the walkway. Right now it has rocks, and it's horrible to walk in. I am always twisting my ankles! It would be a huge project to take on, but something I think would really make the walkway nice. (And a whole lot easier to rake up the maple leaves in the fall!)

Isn't it pretty at night!!! I plan on growing a vine of some sort on it, that's why there is a pot next to it. Something with a lot of fragrance. Any ideas?


Mama Voss said...

My neighbor has a climatis (sp) that has big, purple flowers on it. It is really pretty.

Raj said...
