Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Couch Slip Cover

After years of saying I was going to make a slip cover for my creme colored sofa, I finally got one started! At the time we bought the sofa, we thought, we don't have any kids, or pets, so it won't get dirty...well, now we have a dog...so, now in order to keep it somewhat clean, we have been covering it with a sheet. (Not so attractive!)

I've been looking for the right kind of fabric for a while, but couldn't find one I liked for the price I wanted to pay! Well, last night, I found the deal of the century. While looking at Goodwill, I noticed they had a roll of fabric for $10. After inspecting it a little closer, I realized it was upholstery fabric and there were 20 yards of it! Can you believe it, 20 yards for $10? And it was a dark blue...perfect, won't show Ollie's hair or dirt at all! And with a price like that, I won't feel bad if I totally mess the whole thing up...I'll only be out $10!




My fabric:


Making a Pattern:



Cutting the Pieces out:


Sewing and Pinning:



It's done!




The only thing I have to do, are sew cases for the back pillows that go with the couch. I'm going to make a case with a zipper. And, I have to make another slip cover for the other section of couch. (There are 2 pieces that fit together to make an L shape couch if you want.)


Mama Voss said...

Oh my goodness, you are hired! Wow... I am totally impressed. I still can't believe you got it for $10. Way to go.

The Parsons said...

I kind of impressed myself!!