Monday night Mandy and Vince held a party for Ammon's first birthday. It was at our parent's house. All though I took a million shots, here just a few from the night.
Calvin and I helped decorate! Didn't we do a fabulous job?
Mandy always makes the cutest cakes! I think she missed her calling in life! Here is cake #1.
All the kids had fun playing in the pool.
Ammon loved opening his gifts. He's going to be a pro come Christmas!
And this was the kids favorite gift!
Really, how could we resist!
And cake #2. This one was just for Ammon! Again, darling!
After "Happy Birthday", it was time to dig in!
At first he wasn't quite sure what to do with the cake, and approached it very daintily with one finger, but...
once he got a taste of it...
he was all over it!
Look at that determination!
I think the sugar was starting to get to him here!
Mom, are you sure you don't want any???
And here he is after his auntie got him all cleaned up! (He's still smiling!)
Happy Birthday Ammon!!!